Freight transport in case of pandemic. The Council’s conclusions for a contingency plan
A seamless cross-border traffic is fundamental to preserve territorial continuity and to ensure resilient supply chains. Therefore, on 23 October 2020 the Council adopted conclusions including policy considerations and calling on the Commission to draw up a pandemic and other major crisis contingency plan for the European freight transport sector.
The plan aims to avoid as much as possible all restrictions and impediments to the free movement of goods and transport workers. More particularly, the Commission is encouraged, amongst other things, i) to keep the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) corridors and other essential cross-border connections operational, ensuring the functioning of the related ancillary services and maintaining open borders for freight transport, ii) to use and strengthen existing structures and networks, including that of national contact points of the transport ministries, iii) to take into account the specific needs of all the stakeholders involved in order to ensure connectivity and prevent isolation, and iv) to prepare guidelines and best-practice toolboxes in order to strengthen the sector’s resilience.
If deemed appropriate, the Commission could extend the contingency plan to passenger transport and transport in general, assessing possible further steps in order to promote the digitalisation of the transport sector and the pooling of information.
Marco Stillo