Browsing Category road transport
The Court of Justice rules on the obligation on automotive manufacturers to provide vehicle repair and maintenance information
The obligation which Regulation 2018/858 imposes on automotive manufacturers to provide unrestricted, standardised and non-discriminatory access to vehicle repair and maintenance information includes the one to allow publishers of technical information to process and use that information for the purposes of their activities in the aftermarket supply chain, without subjecting them to conditions other than those laid down in that regulation
Driving licences and mutual recognition in the internal market. The Court of Justice provides clarification on the interpretation of Directive 2006/126/EC
The Member State of normal residence of the holder of a driving licence issued by that Member State is authorised not to recognise and enforce in its territory a decision suspending that holder’s right to drive a motor vehicle adopted by another Member State on account of a road traffic offence committed in that Member State’s territory.
Public passenger transport services by rail and by road. The Court of Justice rules on the obligation for the competent authority to grant public service compensation to operators
The competent authorities are required to compensate undertakings providing in the territory of the Member State concerned a public transport service by road and by rail for the net financial effect on costs incurred and revenues generated in complying with the obligation for those undertakings, established through a general rule, to carry certain categories of traveller free of charge
Road transport. The new vehicle general safety Regulation starts applying
As of 6 July 2022, the new Regulation (EU) 2019/2144 on vehicle general safety starts to apply. The new Regulation introduces a range of mandatory advanced driver assistant systems to improve road safety and establishes the legal framework for the approval of automated and fully driverless vehicles in the EU.