Browsing Category road transport
Road transport. The Court of Justice rules on the national legislation permitting the transfer of criminal liability for serious infringements regarding the driving time and rest periods of drivers
Article 22 of Regulation 1071/2009 precludes a national law pursuant to which a person that incurs criminal responsibility for infringements committed within a road transport undertaking and whose conduct is taken into account for the purpose of assessing the good repute of that undertaking may designate a person as an agent responsible for compliance with the provisions of European law concerning the driving time and rest periods of drivers, thereby transferring to that person criminal responsibility for infringements of those provisions, where the national law does not permit those infringements to be taken into account for the purpose of assessing whether that undertaking meets the requirement of good repute
Insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles. The Court of Justice rules on the possibility of making the payment of compensation subject to certain conditions
Article 18 of Directive 2009/103/EC precludes rules for the calculation of the monetary compensation and conditions relating to its payment, in so far as they would have the effect, in the context of a direct action, of excluding or limiting the insurer’s obligation to cover all the compensation which the person responsible must provide to the injured party in respect of the damage he/she suffered
The Court of Justice rules on the notion of “carriage by road of goods”
The notion of “carriage by road of goods” covers carriage by road by a vehicle whose maximum permissible mass exceeds 7.5 tonnes, including where it is fitted out not only as a temporary private living area but also for the non-commercial loading of goods, without its cargo capacity or the category in which it appears in the national road traffic register having any effect in that regard
Tax on vehicles. The Court of Justice rules on the restriction to the refund on export to vehicles which were put into circulation less than ten years ago
Article 110 TFEU does not preclude a national legislation under which a motor vehicle tax, included in each one’s value, is not refunded to the owner of a motor vehicle exported for permanent use in another Member State where that vehicle was first put into circulation at least ten years before the time of its export